Rose Ambassador Search

Bleu Rose Boutique Ambassadors are a true reflection of what our boutique stands for… stylish, classic and always fashionable. Now you ask, what are the benefits and role of a Bleu Rose Boutique Ambassador (BRBA)?…


1 Monthly Gift of Fashion! As an active BRBA, you will receive a monthly fashion piece (sized to you) for showing off to all your followers while promoting your ambassador status and Bleu Rose Boutique. Win-Win right?!

2 Amazing Discounts on Boutique Pieces! BRBA will be assigned their very own special discount code to use on all personal orders. We are talking at least 30% off, sometimes more. Wow, I know. Hello savings!

3 First Looks and Buying Opportunity Ambassadors will get a sneak peek at all the new fashion. You will be the first to preview and purchase any of the pieces for your wardrobe. Aren’t you special! Yes you are, seriously. Kisses!


1 BRBA will use their own personal style along with creativity to style their beautiful Bleu Rose Boutique pieces.  

2 You will then take a few snaps or selfies (2 to 4 please, you know we all love a great selfie) and submit for approval.

3 Once approved by our team, you are free to post, tag and share away on your own social media pages. Promoting both your fabulous sense of style and Bleu Rose Boutique of course. We will also post the amazing snap via Bleu Rose Boutique’s social media outlets tagging you, our gorgeous ambassador. 

It’s that easy! Provide us a few details to get you started. 

bleu rose